Informed Consent Agreement
Scheduling a session or purchasing a service constitutes agreement with the following Informed Consent Agreement, as well as with the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

This Informed Consent Agreement applies to all services offered by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels, including but not limited to membership services, live group healing sessions, on-demand healing sessions, coaching services or programs, and courses.


Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels reserve the rights (a) to refuse a session or service for any reason and (b) to sever a client relationship at any time for any reason. All clients must be 18 years or older or have written parental or guardian permission for the session or service purchased.

Absent an approved payment plan, full payment must be received prior to beginning a session or service.


If you are in an emergency situation, please dial 911 (in the U.S.) or contact your local authorities for assistance. If you are considering harming yourself, please reach out to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 on your phone (in the U.S.) or by chatting with the Lifeline HERE.

Non-Discrimination Clause

Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels do not discriminate based on race, heritage, citizenship, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or association, or political affiliation.

Confidentiality & Mandatory Reporting

The chief priorities of Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels are your privacy and their ethics. Personal identifying information, including name, phone number, email address, and information shared in relation to a session or service, will not be shared with any third parties, except in limited circumstances as disclosed below.

Your information may be shared if:
  • There is an indication that you may harm yourself or others. Kat is a mandatory reporter and is required by law to notify the proper authorities if such a risk is recognized. In such a case involving a minor child, the child's parent or guardian will also be notified.
  • A court; governing body; or federal, state, or local governmental agency or department summons or subpoenas such information, such that the summons(es) and/or subpoena(s) are legally valid and not subject to quash.
  • You give written permission for your information to be released or fill out a medical release form requesting that your information be sent to a specific individual or business. If you would like to request a medical release form, please email Kat.

Minor Registration & Medical Release

Parents or guardians may complete online registration for their children or other dependents. Children 16 years of age and older must sign a medical release form for parents or guardians to receive copies of session reports, notes, or other information. If you would like to request a medical release form, please email Kat.

Warranties & Assumption of Risk Clause


Information provided is prophetic and intuitive only. You assume the risk for all decisions, occurrences, and actions that may be related in part or in full to the information provided. Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels cannot be held liable for any results occurring from the consumption of this website's content or from information shared in the sessions and services provided by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels.

Hold Harmless Clause

Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of, or in connection, with any session(s) or service(s) provided by Ethical Energetics or Kat Michaels.

License & Insurance Clause

Kat is an ordained minister, and she is licensed and insured for all sessions and services provided, including but not limited to faith and energy healing modalities and processes, intuitive work, and coaching services. Insurance is provided by Energy Medicine Professional Association (EMPA).

Refund & Cancellation Policy

No refunds will be given if a service has been provided. Refunds on active membership months, on-demand faith and energy healing sessions and suites, and downloadable products and courses are not permitted. Pro-rated refunds are permitted in the case of a cancelled prepaid package, with the pro-rated refund provided for any sessions more than 24 hours after the time at which the cancellation notice is provided.

Cancellations must be completed through the client portal, by emailing, or by notifying Kat privately on Voxer. Cancellations of on-demand faith and energy healing sessions are not permitted due to the instant-delivery nature of the on-demand sessions. Live-session cancellations must be received 24 hours in advance for a refund to be given. Memberships are purchased in 30-day increments and may be cancelled anytime prior to the membership renewal date to avoid accruing further charges; membership access will expire on the final day of the last paid 30-day period.

Medical Plan or Program Clause

Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels do not accept medical insurance or other medical plan or program and will not bill any third parties for services received. Invoices are provided on request so that full or partial reimbursement may be sought through medical insurance, FSA or HSA, or other applicable medical plan or program. Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels do not make any representations regarding whether the faith and energy healing processes used are covered in full or in part by any medical plan or program in the United States or internationally.

Medical Disclaimer

Kat is not a doctor, psychologist, veterinarian, or other licensed medical professional, and the sessions and services offered by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels are to be used in concert with regular medical, psychological, and veterinary care. Kat's sessions and services do not treat disease or mental illness and are to be used only as therapies to support general wellness. No statements made or actions taken should be construed as medical, psychological, or veterinary advice, diagnosis, treatment, or cure.

Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels do not encourage the replacement of traditional medical, psychological, or veterinary care with faith and energy healing or with other alternative therapies. Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels recommend that you discuss any new faith and energy healing program with your doctor, psychologist, or veterinarian if you, your child, or your pet are under current or ongoing treatment for any physical or mental condition, illness, or disease.

Legal Disclaimer

Sessions and/or services purchased through Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels do not give rise to an attorney-client relationship and do not provide the privileges of such a relationship.

No information provided by Kat should be considered legal advice. Please consult your attorney regarding any legal questions.

Faith & Energy Healing Philosophy

Faith and energy healing, as practiced by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels, is a God-based holistic and integrative approach intended to clear, balance, and energize the human energy system to further physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. All healing is done by God and through the balancing of the human energy system and body; the faith and energy healing practitioner is only a facilitator.

All work provided by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels is based entirely in God, and all healing, intuitive insights, multidimensional communication, prophetic information, and other information is obtained from and filtered through God. The healing and information is then passed to the client's higher self for subconscious dissemination to the client. Though individual guides are often present, especially during healing sessions, and though clarifying information may be obtained through these guides, prophetic information is obtained only through God.

Energetic Connection Process and Agreement

The services provided by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels require a distance-based energetic connection, which means that Kat connects energetically, from a distance, to your auric field to perform her work. No touch therapy or in-person sessions are required.

Due to the continuous nature of membership services and ongoing coaching and healing programs, you agree that Kat may at times connect to your energy field to clear or balance difficult collective energy. This often happens subconsciously by Kat for existing clients and takes only a few seconds; you may or may not feel the energy sent.

Group and on-demand faith and energy healing sessions are done on a collective basis, and individual information is not obtained.

Healing Modalities & Processes Used

Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels use various modalities and processes in their faith and energy healing work, including in on-demand sessions, live group sessions, group classes, group programs, and membership services. These modalities and processes include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • Faith healing
  • Focused prayer
  • Intuitive communication
  • Energetic protection processes
  • Energetic maintenance processes
  • Crystal therapy
  • Angelic healing
  • Cord dissolution and removal
  • Pendulum dowsing
  • Sound therapy using crystal and/or bronze singing bowls

Potential Effects of Faith & Energy Healing

The live and on-demand faith and energy healing sessions provided by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels are designed to be comfortable and easily assimilable, but they can stimulate detoxification symptoms energetically, physically, and emotionally. Depending on your experience and level of comfort with energy healing, you may require anywhere from one to twelve hours of rest and recovery time, especially for the sessions with higher healing levels. Healing levels range from 1-5, with Levels 4 and 5 requiring the most recovery time and having the highest likelihood of physical and emotional symptoms.

Physical and emotional symptoms that may occur include lethargy, nausea, headaches, skin breakouts, sore muscles, emotionally exhaustion, tears or other strong emotional reactions, and additional detoxification and release symptoms. To minimize these symptoms and to effectively detoxify your system of harmful energy, drink plenty of filtered water and eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables in the days prior to and following your session or service.

The faith and energy healing sessions provided by Ethical Energetics and Kat Michaels are programmed so that if anything included in the session is not in your personal highest and best interest to receive, you will not receive that portion of the session; instead, the energy will pass by your energy field with no effect. The beneficial effects of the session will be delivered to your higher self and will filter down to your person in the way most aligned with God's will and with your energy and soul path.

Revised 4/2023
    © Ethical Energetics 2022-2025